March Meet the Maker, Day 31, Frequently Asked Questions:
Frequently asked questions I get.
March Meet the Maker, Day 30, Work Life Balance:
How I manage to have an art business and a family.
March Meet the Maker, Day 29, Self Promotion:
I feel that I bring joy, peace, beauty, and shared emotions into people’s lives through my art.

March Meet the Maker, Day 28, Planning:
Planning out my year into smaller steps to create my art business.

March Meet the Maker, Day 20, Marketing!
Marketing my art by my website, email list, and social media.

March Meet the Maker, Day 19, Packaging:
Simple but sophisticated packaging of original artworks and prints of Sarah M Johnson Art.

March Meet the Maker, Day 4: Branding
Find out Sarah M Johnson’s style and inspirations to create her brand.
March Meet the Maker, Day 3: Time
How I find time to make art and pursue this as my full-time job.