March Meet the Maker, Day 2: Hands at Work
Sarah M Johnson’s abstract studies (left), “Utah in Fall” gouache painting (right).
Sarah M Johnson’s “Glowing Tree” oil painting.
What I Do!
March 2, 2020
Day 2, Hands at Work:
My hands do all sorts of different things. Mostly they hold a brush or knitting needles, but they also walk the dogs and help my family and home.
My abstract work is my favorite, where I am in the process of making without judgement. I am in tune with my artistic materials, colors, and composition. I am living in the moment, and playing and discovering what will come. It bring joy to me to make something that didn’t exist before, creating beauty and joy for others to see.
My landscapes, tree and flower paintings are that as well. I feel that I bring the abstract world to my landscapes. I bring curiosity, beauty and joy into the colors and compositions of these artworks. I hope they lift people’s spirits and find peace and joy in them as I do when I make them.
I work mostly in watercolor, but sometimes in oils, gouache and even markers and colored pencils. I have no studio really, just my kitchen and dining room/office space. My purpose of art is to express emotion in my work and to hopefully inspired and spark emotion in others.
Sarah M Johnson
Sarah M Johnson’s “Overwhelmed” abstract watercolor studies.