March Meet the Maker, Day 25, How It’s Made:
How it is Made:
March 25, 2020
Day 25, How it is Made:
When I make my abstract paintings, I set up with a main color palette in mind. I set up my paper, brushes, and paints, and then I think of how I feel. Sometimes the feelings are just there and overpowering, and I just pick up the colors as I go. Other times, it is a meditative experience where I am just present in the moment, at peace with the painting experience. I pick up a brush, prepare some paint, and make the first dynamic stroke. I use either a different brush or the same brush, but in a different way, as I create the rest of the composition. I usually start with a medium tone color and add in a light color and a dark color. Also limiting my palette to 3 to 5 colors, but diluting or mixing those colors to expand the color palette. Sometimes I add in ink or other forms of mediums like gouache, colored pencil or graphite to make it more dynamic. I hope this helps understand how I make my abstract works.
Sarah M Johnson