March Meet the Maker, Day 12, Learning Curve:

“Those Eyes” watercolor painting.

“Those Eyes” watercolor painting.

“Peacock” watercolor painting.

“Peacock” watercolor painting.

Learning curve:

March 12, 2020
Day 12, learning curve:
When I started doing art again in 2017, I did not know how to paint in watercolors. So I experimented with the abstract style to get a feel for it, and it turned into an obsession. Since I challenged myself to make art everyday for a year, I learned more and more how to paint with them and got better in 3 years.

My current learning curve is oil paint and gouache. I think since I had my oil painting class this past winter, I feel more comfortable with it, but I still need to improve. Gouache is my new creative curiosity, but I really feel uncomfortable with it. But, like the watercolors, if I do it more and more, playing with it and making many mistakes along the way, I will get better.

“Smile Princess” oil painting.

“Smile Princess” oil painting.

“Utah in Fall” gouache painting.

“Utah in Fall” gouache painting.


March Meet the Maker, Day 13, Unique Selling Proposition:


March Meet the Maker, Day 11, Range of Artwork: